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Walter Halicki knows that when it comes to writing a headline, there are several strategies to use to appeal to readers and press release distribution services alike. It does not matter who your intended audience is; if the headline doesn’t grab their attention immediately, they simply won’t read what you have written. That is why Walter Halicki is taking the time to share some of his best tips for writing a better and more impactful headline.

Is your headline newsworthy?

Remember the 5 W’s – Who, what, where, when and why. Does your title share the maximum amount of information to draw the reader in?

Being clear is better than being clever

Google and other search engines do not pick up on wordplay and different clever writing styles like sarcasm. While this may be great for drawing a reader in, in terms of SEO, it is not helpful, Walter Halicki says.

Keep headlines short

Headlines should never be more than ten words long. Anything else is redundant and unnecessary. Try to use as few words as possible to get your point across. Doing this may require some rewriting and tweaking, but in the end, the shorter and more to the fact a headline is, the better.

Use buzzwords, says Walter Halick

The words “list” and “tips” are great words to include in the titles of press releases. Break up the content therein with bullets or numbers to make the content easily digestible for readers. The easier it is for them to read, the better.

The best headlines are the ones that make the audience want to read your content. They also need to relate directly to the scope, or your readers will be quickly disappointed and stop reading.

Read more – Monitoring an Online Business Reputation with Wally Halicki